Event Description: Tai Chi Easy™ with Therapeutic Qigong
Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30pm
First session free, and no cost for veterans. Drop-in sliding scale $5-15. Series sliding scale $20-60.
Long Beach Community Center Gym
2501 Oriole Trail, Long Beach, Indiana 46360
Open to all skill levels, standing or sitting.
Come for health and relaxation, or to learn a 5 movement form to practice at home.
The Long Beach Park Board will sponsor a 6-session class series, offering a discounted student cost!
Classes will meet Tues at 5:30-6:30pm, for six consecutive weeks, in the Long Beach Community Center Gym.
Long Beach residents are invited to drop-in for $5 per session, or pre-register at $20 for all 6 sessions in the series.
Members of the public may attend class/series with sliding scale pricing of $5/$20 Hardship; $10/$40 Low Income; $15/$60 Benefactor*.
Veterans, their family and caregivers always attend at no cost.
Register for limited spaces by:
Reserving a spot on the Facebook Event at
www.LifeCraft.us or Messenger
m.me/LifeCraft or email trainer@taichiinfo.com. Make checks payable to LifeCraft LLC and bring to class.
Join Kristy Putnam, Tai Chi Easy™ Senior Trainer of the Integral Institute of Qigong and Tai Chi. Kristy’s passion is to empower self-care made simple through writing, public speaking, small business consulting, wellness coaching, and mindfulness training.
*Request a bonus free 30-min consultation if pre-paying for the series as a benefactor.
Learn more about customizing Empowered Self-care Made Simple, here:
Utilizing a carefully developed method and approach to Tai Chi makes it easy, beneficial and fun — right away. These techniques are easy to learn, easy to apply and need no special knowledge or training, require no special equipment or clothing and can be practiced by all people — sick or well. The slow, flowing movements of Tai Chi have evidence-based health enhancing effects, including increased blood flow, improved cardiovascular fitness, brain plasticity, better sleep, and improved mood. During class, you may stand or sit. You will be taught simple Tai Chi principles including breathing, posture, relaxation, and mindfulness.
~Kristy Putnam is a Tai Chi Easy™ Senior Trainer of the Integral Institute of Qigong and Tai Chi, and a student of holistic health since 2000. Her certifications include wellness coaching and mind-body practices, with a focus on mindfulness. After earning a B.S. from Purdue in Financial Planning, and pursuing a traditional career path, Kristy became a Lifestyle Entrepreneur. Kristy’s passion is to empower self-care through writing, public speaking, business consulting, and wellness education. Kristy has studied extensively with Dr. Roger Jahnke, O.M.D., including weeks of travel in China.
Tai Chi Easy is a practice that combines gentle exercises, breath practices, self-massage, and meditation to help you experience a refreshing, healing boost to body, mind, and spirit. Developed by master teacher Roger Jahnke, Tai Chi Easy enhances energy (qi) to strengthen and cleanse the body and mind. According to Chinese Medicine and philosophy, qi is the vital essence that creates health, well-being, and harmony.