Event Category: Workshop
- The Pleiadean GlyphsEvent Description:
It has been said that “There are more possible pathways in the brain than there are atoms in the Universe.” (PBS series, The Brain) The purpose of the Pleiadean Glyphs is not merely to expand the number of pathways, but to articulate the pathways within a particular frequency band. These glyphs activate the higher evolutionary frequencies. They “turn on” brain patterns that already exist “in potential” for higher states of being and living.
As energy organisms we exist constantly within a sea of energy. On this energetic level we are always affecting, and being affected by, everything in the Universe. This is the basic premise of quantum physics. When we allow ourselves to really think about this, we can see that taking responsibility for our own energy, our frequency, is actually a very profound act of personal, as well as Universal Healing.
Join Laika Earthkeeper ERYT500, YACEP, Reiki Master as she shares with you the Light Codes of the Pleiadies. You will receive the transmissions, learn the meaning behind them, as well as how to draw these ancient glyphs. In addition to offering a new perspective, these codes provide a tool for unlocking or “switching on” a particular part of our brain. The Pleiadean Glyphs are Frequency Medicine. The concept of “Medicine” here is used in the way that is accepted by all Indigenous peoples; bringing balance, deepening our relationship to Creator Force, and giving us a stronger sense of who we truly are, while strengthening our heartfelt connection to All Life.
The Pleiadean Glyphs are frequency modulators; tools that adjust our energy pattern to a more balanced, more honest, and more lovable rate of vibration. As we use these glyphs, we begin to strengthen & stabilize the more harmonious and life enhancing patterns within our own personal vibrational field. In the very process of living our lives, day to day, we broadcast these patterns, much like a radio station. We heal by our presence alone. As we expand and broaden and lift our frequency, we also open the way for personal life changes that are beneficial to ourselves and others.
This 8wk course is $111 or $20 per session. Sign up to reserve your spot! Use the free Mindbody app and search The Awakening Realm to sign up & reserve your spot! Or call/text 574-226-6435.