Event Description: This is a Level 1 Usui Reiki Class. The class focuses on the foundational elements needed to begin building a Reiki practice. Students will be introduced to Reiki’s rich history and tradition, awareness of their own energy, meditative exercises to support expanded awareness of their energy, the Reiki Precepts, and hand positions for self-care and care of others.
This is a 3 session, 10 hour class meeting 5/29, 6/12, & 7/10. The first two classes will meet 4 hours (9am-1pm CENTRAL TIME), the final class will be 2 hours. At the end of the 10 hours students will receive a Level 1 completion certificate.
An option is available to take only the Day 1 class which covers self-care. (No certificate will be received)
COST: $125 includes text, handouts, and a journal. Contact A Mindful Place (219)363-4756, or amindfulplace @
outlook.com regarding payment options. Cost is adjusted if you opt to take only Day 1.
Class size is limited to 6 If there is more interest, an additional class will be added.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED 1 WEEK IN ADVANCE. (MAY 22, 2022). To register call 219-363-4756, or email amindfulplace@outlook.com.
PREVAILING CDC GUIDELINES, AT THE TIME OF EACH CLASS, WILL BE HONORED. You will be notified prior to each class of those guidelines.
CLASS FACILITATOR: Mary Beth Schramlin, Reiki Master Teacher. Mary Beth’s Reiki journey began in 2014. She has studied with a variety of Master Teachers since that time becoming a Reiki Master Teacher in 2018. She has been guided on her journey by Reiki Master Teacher Julianne Miranda, completing Level 1, 2, 3, and Master Teacher training with Julianne. Mary Beth follows the teachings of Frans and Bronwen Stiene and has participated in programs with Frans Stiene.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Call (219)363-4756, or email amindfulplace@outlook.com