Event Category: ClassEvent Tags: Alternative Medicine and Nutrition
- Nutritional Power = Knowledge & AwarenessEvent Description:Awareness and Knowledge = Nutritional PowerHow do we truly know what is best for our bodies to function at their highest abilities? Join me to learn how to weed through all of the fads and gimmicks, along with all the “junk” they call healthy. Why big food industries do not have our best interests in mind when it comes to stocking our grocery shelves and how to overcome their marketing ploys. This workshop will give you the ability to decipher what is real and what is not good for your body. Knowledge is our most powerful tool in taking care of ourselves.*Discussion about marketing gimmicks to trick you into thinking something is “healthy” when it is not*Learn how to read and decipher labels*Learn why sugar is bad, how to recognize it, and how/why it is hidden in almost everything*Learn why counting calories isn’t as cut and dry as they make it out to be for losing weight*Learn why processed foods should be extremely limited or avoided in your diet*Learn about highly inflammatory foods and products that we ingest regularly*Q&A
—Cynthia Elliott, CTNCCertified Transformational Nutrition CoachCost is $25, sign up today to reserve your spot! - March 31, 2022, 6:00 pm-7:00 pm