Event Category: Movement
- Awareness Through MovementEvent Description:
“Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement” lessons are mindfulness based movement practices.
Tuesdays @7PM May 2nd – May 23rd
In these classes, people engage in precisely structured movement explorations that involve thinking, sensing, moving, and imagining. The lessons consist of comfortable, easy movements that gradually evolve into movements of greater range & complexity. Students move with greater ease, have less pain, and develop healthy movement habits.
Each dance session is a guided exploration of unconventional movements structured to bring awareness to ineffective habits and stimulate the nervous system to discover new ways of using the body.
This 5 week workshop is an hour long each time. Workshop cost is $99 or $25 per session. We hope you come move your lovely bodies with us! - May 2, 2023, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm
Use the free Mindbody app and search The Awakening Realm to sign up & reserve your spot! Or call/text 574-226-6435.
Nationally Accredited Yoga & Mystery School The Quantum Realm is Sacred Safe space for ALL paths; in service to the evolutionary expansion of humanity through consciousness. Planting seeds of potential in your psyche for a profound sense of mystic based faith from an individual, genuine, authentic inner experience. Integrating science & spirituality through investigations into the cosmos, the mind, nature, Read more...