Category: Mindfulness in Nature

Bathing in Forests

Shinrin-yoku is a Japanese term and translates as “forest bathing”, or taking in the forest through your senses.  (Here’s a 3-minute video explaining.)  The positive effects of even 15 minutes in a woods or a park are numerous – uplifted mood, reduced blood pressure, lowered anxiety, increased focus, and more. And that’s why I headed to the Read more…

Breathing In to Let Go

What does September represent to you?  For me, September has the quality of a big long exhale.  It’s that transition time when things start to slow down.  There is a preparation for heading indoors.  The same feels true personally.  There is a shift from doing to being, from action to self-reflection. While I love turning inward and slowing down, Read more…

Healing in Community

Have you experienced any feelings of overwhelm lately?  There are plenty of ways overwhelm can creep in – hectic schedules, personal demands, societal expectations, social media, the news, political division, environmental issues …  And sometimes one of those, or several of them piled up at once, and it just becomes too much. I have found myself Read more…

Looking Up

It is the last day of July as I write this.  Summer is winding down and you can feel the energy starting to shift.  School supplies are out at the stores and there is a sense of starting to come down from that intoxicating summer high, from the sense of freedom and playfulness that summer can bring. Read more…