Event Category: Workshop
- Atomic HabitsEvent Description:
Class: Atomic Habits
86,000 people wrote a review for this book on Amazon and gave it a 5 out of 5 rating. James Clear does
not tell you there is a problem with you and that you need to change yourself. He asks if there is something you want to change because it is not working for you or you want to improve. If the answer is
yes, then, you can try this “System” for making changes. It is simple and permanent. Join John D’Avella for this 3week course. Cost is $50. Sign up today to reserve your spot! - January 11, 2023, 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Use the free Mindbody app and search The Awakening Realm to sign up & reserve your spot! Or call/text 574-226-6435.