Listing Categories: Energy Work, Healing Touch, and Reiki
This is what we all strive for, isn’t it?
Balance in our routines, balance in our work and home lives, balance in wellness, balance in love, balance in mindset, and balance in spirit…
Finding balance is truly the key to instilling peace within ourselves.But, sometimes, balance feels intangible.
While we strive to hold ourselves in peace within the eye of the storms around us, sometimes we lose our rooting and the strong winds leave us grasping for a stronghold to cling to in order to find center again.
In service, I aim to be that stronghold for you.
I know this situation all to well.
And having learned consistently how to pull myself back to center and a state of self-healing, I now move to assist others in their own.I have spent the last fifteen years of my life actively learning through cause and effect strategy how to care for and heal myself holistically with little resource and little to no intervention so that I may now provide optimized and accelerated healing for any sweet soul that comes to me for support and guidance.
During each session, I conscientiously utilize select healing tools, affirmations, guidance in breath, unconditionality in love, and the powers of intentional and intuitive energy work to help bring your entire energetic system back to a state balance from the roots up, so that you may move forward from a grounded and clarified place of reset…
So that you may stand strong again, safely open to give to and receive from only that which is for your highest good.Your highest good is my highest priority, always.
Never forget:
• You are worthy of Healing.
• You are worthy of Balance.
• You are worthy of Peace.Love in Waves,
Sunny ☀️
Jessica Cunningham
To contact Sunny, text 574-250-6163. 🤍